Dear families,

Here is the information about our first Summer Camp at the Early Learning Center (for kids from PK3, PK4, Kinder or 3-6 years old).

Location: BSI Early Learning Center

Time: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm (drop off available at 7:30 am/latest pick up at 1:30 pm)

Age: Classes will be organized by age, however mixing ages could be possible if needed to complete classes.

What is provided? Program, snacks, t-shirt, all materials, and field trips.

Concept: Provide a fun exciting learning experience, in English, that focuses on hands-on inquiry based projects, followed by a field trip. Students will experience learning through music, arts, play, and investigation, with the core goal of making learning exciting and meaningful.

Cost breakdown:

  • Option 1: Pay all three weeks at once $750
  • Option 2: Select weeks at $280 weekly total of ($840)

Here is the information to make the payment for the Summer Camp:

  • Name of Account: Boston School S.A.
  • Bank: Banco General
  • Account Numer: Checking account #0397010763420

In case you select the weekly option, send the proof of payment to

Please be advised that space will fill up quickly. Fill the following form to Sign up:

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.


Mr. Alexander Bennett – Head of School /

Ms. Katy Klinger – ELC Principal